The research Discusses the concept of sustainability in the readymade garment industry, and how the sustainability can be achieved in this sector and how to produce eco-friendly products.
Research problems can be summarized in 3 questions; what are the concepts of sustainability in the readymade garment industry? how to produce eco-friendly products? And how the sustainability can be achieved in this sector?
The study provides a tool for, preserving the environment and using environment eco materials during the manufacture of clothing, shed light on one of the successful experiences in the sustainability of clothing in Egypt, Research Objectives has been to spread the culture of sustainable clothing use as a global trend in the fashion industry, The right of future generations in an environment free from pollutants, Research Methodology The experimental approach includes description and analysis, The limits of the research were limited to the study of the case of one of the successful experiences in the field of sustainable clothing, (nature- tex) company follow the group (SEKEM). The study uses a description and analysis.