Arab designers and architects in the modern era did not differ on an issue, as much as they differed on the importance of heritage and the role that can be played in the lives of peoples. Many questions were raised about what heritage is, and views and opinions differed as a result of different intellectual and cultural conditions. In the presence of the variables that the interior designer possesses, represented in his intellectual capabilities and his multiple experiences in the field of specialization, in addition to the values that he holds, often linked to an ideological idea with a cultural heritage, it leads to the results of self-reflective effects on the level of the design act. On the other hand, the functional principle Creating suitable forms of the job in interior design through visual formations governed by artistic values is the goal that the designer adopts and which relates to cultural and social content by describing the form in design work in response to complex, multiple and rational factors that require the designer to A form imposes on the design, but objectively deduce through the reality of life and the surrounding environment.
From this brief, the importance of the relationship between what can be designed by the designer within the self-standard on the interior space to be designed, and what imposes objectivity in containing the elements of Islamic heritage and formulating it in line with the principles of interior design and its functional data, is evident. The main problem under discussion is tracking the aspects of intellectual dependency that have shaped contemporary design thought in Egypt, which is reflected in the fact that most contemporary structural products follow Western intellectual trends. The research aims to analyze some modern trends in design through interaction with sources of Islamic heritage, and to determine its position between dependency and creativity. The architecture of Islamic eras has been filled with many heritage vocabulary that is considered creativity and expresses the content. Hence the choice of Islamic architectural heritage follows some contemporary attempts to interact with it while employing the most important Islamic elements and benefiting from them abstractly in interior design and furniture, which is covered in this research