The research discusses Esotericism. The human being has many human attitudes(mind, act and sentiment). Thus, he makes up his mind wisely and in accordance with these human attitudes in order to guarantee the success of his design since the human is the designer main objective.Since the human uses his attitude in designing the products and purposes, his act should be in harmony with his mind and sentiment, as depending on the intellectual part alone would make an intellectual product (getting benefit), while depending on the sentimental part alone would make it a sentimental product. Consequently, the relationship between the mind and the sentiment is the subject of esotericism, which focuses on making a real product. There are two kinds of people in the designing field: the designer and the consumer. There is a binary-relationship between the human (designer) knowledge of his mind, act and sentiment. Esotericism is a branch of science that is completely based on the practical application. Hence, Esotericism aims at enlightening and improving the human being, that is, seeking realization of the human being, and fathoming the human soul. That is, enabling the human to be aware of himself and to know its reality. The practical application is the only standard that shows the hidden weak as well as strong points and detect the right and the wrong deeds. These he has used to survive and surpass other creaturesand also use them for his interests. He's also used them to make whatever he wants anytime and anyhow he wants. This is what we call the 'Phenomenon Design'. In order for this phenomenon to complete, the human must be an occurent in the world, since this phenomenon cannot succeed without the existence the materials and energies that God has created and the human has been discovering. Meanwhile, the globe, considered the human's catalogue and the open and renewable book of creation containing all creatures existent in the nature. Research Problem: Discovery and proof of the relationship between Esotericism and the design so that we can come to complete designs due to reliability on the three attitudes, as depending on the intellectual part would make alone would make an intellectual product (only utilitarian), while depending on the sentimental part alone would make it a sentimental product. Thus, the product must depend on all three attitudes in order to be complete. Research Objective: Revealing the relationship between Esotericism and the design in order to get the best design depending on the three attitudes so that the product would be neither utilitarian intellectual nor aesthetic sentimental, but a complete three-corner design. Research approach: The research is based on the inductive approach