Advocacy and advocacy campaigns are a structured process that includes the concerted efforts of civil society to change policies, practices, ideas and values that are entrenched in the waste of rights. It is a set of deliberate measures aimed at influencing policies and laws, under pressure from public opinion, with the goal of empowerment and community participation. This is what any democratic system or in the way of a democratic transition allows to enable it to integrate and involve civil society and respect its role as the observer and first accountant of governments. Visual processing is one of the most important languages that speak for support and advocacy campaigns, as it is the link between the group of campaign organizers, including specialists, experts, activists, and human rights activists, and the right-holders from the general public concerned with the cause and public affairs. Where visual processing is the means of expressing the campaign's mission and goals in a way that the target group can understand and interact with. Through this research, we try to present a series presentation in which we monitor the origin of this type of campaign, its foundations, stages of planning for it, the role of visual processing in expressing its goals and influencing the trends of its fans.