Creativity is a mixture of capabilities, preparations and personal characteristics of the individual, which, if found in a stimulating climate, can interact with its elements and promote mental processes to lead to authentic and beneficial products in relation to the experiences of the individual, institution, society, or the world, so the need for creating an innovative climate that helps to create and develop creative capabilities increases And it helps to create a general acceptance of creative expression in the Egyptian society, for every moment of life for a person is required to be creative and to accept the creativity of others and encourage and motivate it without constructive criticism .. and because of the problem of not knowing the shape and type of obstacles of the creative climate to which the advertising designer is exposed in Egypt, the research attempts to shed light on some of these factors and attitudes that impede the creative climate of the advertising designer, which may break his ambition to continue and look for broader creations in advertising design, and when the advertising designer avoids these obstacles, the appropriate creative climate is available for the advertising process, so the creativity of his spirit grows, and his confidence increases. Himself and his capabilities to implement a creative declaration characterized by originality and can storm the noise of competition and leave the desired impression on the target audience. Obstacles to the creative climate depend on two main axes. The first is the designer with his various cognitive and emotional qualities, his own motivations, psychological orientations and personal characteristics .... and the other .. The second axis is the surrounding environment and life situations in its various forms, such as the family, society, cultural institutions, educational, economic, media and others. In all its different levels and types .. And some local and international advertising models that have some creative elements are available, so that we can emphasize the importance of creativity and how to use it in advertising in different ways that suit the main goal of advertising. The results of the research indicated that the creativity process may be individual in relation to the personality of the creator, but it is closely related to its society, if it does not embrace it in all its categories, institutions and systems, and provides them with the necessary care and care, and provides them with the appropriate climate and health conditions necessary for their development, weakened, diminished and ended. It is the responsibility of any nation seeking civilization and progress to search for the creators of its people, not to wait for them until they search for them.