Background: Metal bio-façades has an important impact on thermal behavior of buildings. They consist of green façade net & green façade panel in metal unit (living walls covered by climbing plants). This system is worked on lowering the temperature, good ventilation, CO2 uptake, reduces the harmful rays. As well as it has environmental sustainability and low cost as compared to electrical conditions. Objectives: This study aims to study metal bio-façades adjacent to the wall and away from it, the factors affecting them and the comparison between them & bio-façades adjacent to the wall without metal structure. With taking into account the aesthetic side. Subjects and Method: This study was studied many factors which affected on metal bio-façades as materials, environmental changes, plant selection & Thermal performance and collective systems & sustainability. Practical studies: The researcher studied types of façades as bio-façades without metal structure, bio-façades with metal structure adjacent to the wall, and bio-façades with metal structure away from the wall 60 cm and compare between them. Results and discussion: All bio-façades can control the temperature of the building. The third façades is the best. It has a lot of advantage as extend along to the building, easy installation and assembly & clean, reduces thermal effects, allows movement of air force & formation and distribution of plants in a manner absolute, allows distributed at different levels, easy maintenance., It must finish the walls to maintain the aesthetic appearance, Can be moved from place to place and distance from the wall as a result of the disappearance of the insects inside it is difficult. Conclusion: Metal bio-façades are very important for hot areas to improve the weather around buildings. Moreover, they had beautiful design, good health and comfort for human body.