Folklore Characterized by nobility, folk art in any society is a manifestation of culture and an honest mirror reflect his ideas, including the beliefs, traditions, customs and its aspects of distinguishing either material or spiritual. The outcomes of the interaction of all these forces are formulated in the templates, unsentimental, and nourish the faith and strengthen the hearts and refine the humanitarian aspects of all. Draping has an ancient historic background. Traces draping method can be observed in the ancient race of the Egyptians, if not in its purest of form and meaning but surely as a dress draping had its existence in this timeline. the current study, trying to take advantage of the values the fine art of the units of the Egyptian People and their meanings symbolism, which form part of human culture and an essential element in the structuring of formative cultural, and try to highlight the national character of our art popular in the form of contemporary art for the dissemination of that culture in the young generation . Eight fashionable trendy summer outfits were inspired from our great Egyptian heritage draped dyed ,printed and decorated to represent contemporary look.