This research aimed to identify the small projects implemented by the respondents, determine the sources of their information, identify the relationship of the studied independent variables to the social and economic role of the projects, and the problems facing rural, in some villages of Ashmoun and Menouf districts, the sample of the study amounted to 200 respondents. The questionnaire was used to collect data, after testing the validity, data collected in April and May 2021. the Pearson correlation coefficient, progressive multiple linear regression, and F-test were used, The most important results were: there are eight variables that in combination contribute to explaining the total variation in terms of their social role in small projects by 47%, which are: satisfaction with the project, the respondents' belonging to the community, the financial return from the project, the age of the respondent, the number of years of project experience in small projects, and degree of renewal of respondent. The degree of social participation of respondent, and degree of informal social participation of respondent, there are four variables that combination contribute to explain total discrepancy between respondents in terms of their economic role in projects by 30%, namely: degree of informal social participation of respondent, degree of renewal , years of education, and number of family members of the respondent, the most important requirements for project development: are providing and supporting production requirements, presence of markets for the disposal of products, provision of modern machines, and provision of trained labor.