This research aims at establishing a program of mental strategies by using the perception time for 100-meter sprinters. The research is supposed to recognize the effectiveness of these strategies on:
1 The growth and developing the basic mental skills, which are: relaxation, mental imagery, grid concentration, and perception time.
2 The mental strategies, which are: thinking of the skill of duty, the positive self-talk, retail performance, and emotional control.
3 Sports confidence, the special physical abilities, and Performance for sprinters in the 100 Meter Race.
The researchers have used the experimental method in the experimental design for one group through the pre-post measurements. The sample, 5 sprinters under the age of 20 years Old, has been intentionally chosen from the Club of 6th of October City. The average age reached (18.20, ± 0.84) and the average training age (8.80, ± 1.30). The credibility and consistency co-efficients for all tests and mental, psychological, and physical measurements on the 6-sprinter initial sample have been situated from the same main sample society. Afterwards, the program of mental strategies has been applied through 'time perception' on the research chief sample on the scale of 3 units per week and for 12 weeks with duration of 30 minutes per unit.
Meanwhile, the accompanying skilled physical program is 60 minutes within the training unit from 18th June 2012 till 8th September2012. The research results have proved differences with statistic indications between the pre-post two measurements of the basic and specialized mental skills, the mental strategies, the dimensions of the sports confidence, the physical abilities, and Performance for sprinters in the 100 Meter Race. The results were in favor of the post measurements due to the effectiveness of the mental strategies program through perception time accompanying the flexibility and agility training for developing the elements of speed and confidence for sprinters. The researchers recommend using the proposed program for sprinters and different levels of age.