The present study was designed to investigate the effects of maximum physical effort on free radicals after Extra antioxidants supplementation vitamin C (ascorbic acid; 1,000 mg/day), and vitamin E (tocopherol; 800 mg/day) orally for 4 week. on the time course of MaloneAldehde, , Lactic acid, VO2 max and Exercise duration after maximum physical effort.
The question that arises is, how effectively can athletes defend against the increased free radicals resulting from exercise? Do athletes need to take extra antioxidants supplementation?
Experimental procedure:
Objective of the research:
The current research aims to identify the impact of the extra intake of antioxidants on:
The level of production Malondialdehyde ( Umol\L(
The level of lactic acid (Mmol\L(
Maximum oxygen consumption VO2 max ml_kg_1_min
Exercise duration s (second(
Sixteen players from the youth handball Giza Club after explanation of all experimental procedures and signed the written informed consent were divided into two groups each of them (8) players Participants were placed into one of two groups were given the first group vitamin C (ascorbic acid; 1,000 mg/day), and vitamin E (tocopherol; 800 mg/day) orally for 4 weak. No subject was a smoker, used oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory drugs, or dietary supplements (i.e., antioxidants)
The subjects performed a VO2 max cycle ergometer exercise test. The test workload was started at 50 W and increased by 50 W every 2 min while the subjects maintained a pedal frequency of 50 revolutions/ min. The exercise tests lasted _8–12 min and terminated when the subjects indicated exhaustion or when the heart rate reached to maximal heart rate calculated as 220 - age.
Within the limits of the research sample and through the research results the following are shown:
The test workload (maximum physical effort) Cause in increased production of free radicals, based on the (Malondialdehyde)
Both of Vitamin (C) and (E) had a positive impact on MaloneAldehde, Lactic acid, VO2 max and Exercise duration in reducing the productivity of free radicals.
Vitamin ( E ) was more effective in increasing the performance time during the test workload (maximum physical effort)
Very important for athletes who are exposed repeatedly to high-intensity loads take a extra Antioxidants supplementation.