As a result of complexity of the tidal current and water level prediction problem; before the computer time, reliance has mainly been placed on field measurements and tidal model studies to obtain a reliable picture of water levels and tidal currents in inlets, bays, and estuaries.
The expense connected with either of these two methods has greatly restricted to amount of tidal current end tidal range informations.
At the present, due to the increasing capacity of high speed digital computer end the different numerical techniques for solving the governing equations of motion, the use of mathematical models for tidal flow computation is quite well established. The main objective of this present study is to investigate the influence of boundary resistance on tidal wave propagating along an estuary or inlet and also on the tidal curerents. An increase of boundary resistance will decrease the tidal range and the corresponding tidal current. Resonance could occur at low value of boundary resistance, which will influence both the characteristics of tidal wave and tidal current. The influence of fresh water discharge in conjunction with boundary resistance on the tidal phenomena is also investigated.