To determine the heat transferred to the piston and the Cylinder head of an I.C.E. , the velocity distribution in the Gylinder head is required. The work presented in this paper aims at producing this distribution by numerical method. Once this distribution is determined the heat transfer can be evaluated by a double integration.
The method chosen in this study is to assume a free vortex condition with a solid rotating core. This is considered to represent the conditions that would prevail at the end of the induction stroke. The finite difference method is used to solve the differential equations. For this analysis it is decided to neglect 3rd or der differences and above. It is also decided to fit parabolas over any three adjacent points.
A method is also devised to determine the stagnation pressure at one time interval from the stagnation pressure at past time in tervais and (dFstag./dt) for the previous interval. The results obtained showed that the velocity profile becomes unstable after 8 or 9 time steps. This is probably due to accumulation error, may be from the 1% difference allowed. The simplest way to overcome this would be to use more radial steps and smooth the curve over group say 6 points instead of 4 points. However, this would increase the run time on the computer.