In one of familiar and important past work in shaving the peak and leveling the load using Photovoltaic system/Battery storage (PV/BS) aggregation, the authors assumed their sizes as hypothetical numbers [1]. Moreover, a significant question of how the modified daily conventional generation curve be affected by different PV-penetration levels hadn't been answered. On other hand, this work hadn't investigated or analyzed the influence of PV/BS hardware prices and the PV-penetration level on the annual savings on using combustion turbines instead of the above aggregation.
So. our paper introduces a proposed solution algorithm to answer these questions provided with a complete numerical application (or Egyptian meteorological conditions. Operating the PV/BS combination with the utility grid has been optimized subject to a set of several and economic constraints. Three design concepts are thought of and suggested differed principally in the source of charging the battery either from PV and /or utility grid.
Entire quantitative analysis of the composile impacts of the economic parameters and penetration level of py-array operating at its maximum power point has been performed and discussed. The best choice or the design concept to be applied and the adequate penetration level dep < /strong>ends on the value of the levelized annual savings (LAS) on using the above aggregation instead of conventional generation units. It may have a value up to 406.317 $/K W-year. This algorithm can, therefore, be considered as an effective tool in instituting accurately the modified daily conventional generation profile of twelve representative days of the year months. Moreover. It enables the designer lo determine the applicable range of Py-penetration levels and economic parameters resulting in largest savings.