Reliability evaluation fundamentals are necessary for a quantitative reliability evaluation in electric power systems. This paper includes a description of the procedure for system reliability analysis. An important aspect of power system design involves consideration of the service reliability requirements of loads, which are to be supplied and the service reliability, which will be provided by any proposed system.
A knowledge of the reliability of electrical equipment has an important consideration in the design of power system for industrial plants. Ideally, these reliability data should come from a field used of the same type of equipment under similar environmental conditions and similar stress levels.
In this paper, a comparison between the sngle-circuit and double circuit reliability working with earth neutral of power transformer at some variables conditions is given. Also, a reliability comparison between three-conductors of single circuit for overhead transmission line and two-conductors-earth method at various conditions, is introduced. A computer program flow chart is given.
Results of calculations are illustrated in curves as well as arranged in tables.