Finding logical and economical solution costly handling of material, high levels of skilled requirements, low utilization of manufacturing capacity, low utilization of man power, fragmentation of responsibility for manufacture and inspection, raised by the implementation of functional layout are of major importance of complex scheduling situation. Due to the above mentioned, was the aim of this case study to replan the shop layout by applying Group Technology (GT) technique, to enable the company to achieve substantial improvements in financial and economic performance and markedly to improve their general competitiveneses. Particularly provided an opportunity to transfer more responsibility to and develop greater autonomy on the shopfloor and to increase the flexibility with which operators are deployed. The work discuss a case study for more than hundred components to find out the production families and determining the parameters needed to change from conventional layout to Group Layout (GL) or group manufacturing. The sequence of operations and the work load represented by each sheet, are analysed critically from information on the planning sheets and drawing
for most of the components.
Families of parts and group of machine tools have been developed in order to achieve cost and overhead reduction, effective supervision, more consclous Workers in the group, reduction of the production me, tooling cost and reduction in stock and setting time, and well designed system, reduced work handling, and lower skill required are some of the system benefits.