The importance of this paper is to evaluate the reliability of the unified power system arising from the necessity of the recognaition of the network problems, the availability of the generating units and the voltage and frequency variation limits in case of network accidents and the failure rates of the power plants components as a step towards the collection of this data.
The probability of forced outage of the different generating units and the spinning reserve of the united power system are calculated by three methods: the binomial distribution method, the poisson method and monte carlo method which are usually used to determine both short and long term operating reserve requirement.
For computing the forced outage race of the different generating stations, the statistical data of the different units has been used. Computer programs were designed compiled and applied.
40% of the forced outage events of the steam units are due to boiler problems, the average outage hours due to boiler problems is in general higher than those of the other system problems except the turbine problems which are equal.
The condenser problems causes 15.5% of the total forced outage events of the steam units which requires further study of the boiler and condenser problems in order to reduce the number of outage events and the average outage hours. The unified power system problems causes 8.7% of the total outage events of the steam units and 11% of the total forced outage events of the gas turbine units.