Transmission of bulk power over high phase order transmission lines KPOT, is being considered as a potential alternative to the conventional three phase lines. Lo practical, six phase systems appear to be favored. Should HPOT prove to be economically and technically viable, the problem of fault analysis, in particular the analysis of sequential faults on HPOT system appears to be a complicated one.
When a ground fault on power system involves more than one terminal, tire fault usually develops in sequence. This paper presents a generalized treatment of sequential ground faults on the terminal of an initially unloaded six phase symmetrical generator. No restriction is placed either on the sequence in which the ground fault develops or on Tie instants at which the various phases are grounded. Expressions for transient phase currents and transient terminal voltages have been given. An expression for the neutral current which is an important variable for any protection scheme bas also been given. The method given in the paper can be applied to a power system of any number of phases by suitably adjusting the summation index in general equations. The analysis has been done in actual phase variable. Finally, the results for an arbitrary sequential ground fault on the terminals of a fictitious six phase generator have been given.