The importance of surface finish is evident for sliding or rolling elements of kinematic chains. The surface finish improves with the increase in nose radius value of cutting tool, This has been confirmed by many experimental studies. However, there are nose radii maxima beyond which no improvement in surface finish is likely. The nose radius must be sufficiently large in relation to feed so that feed marks of the tool on the workpiecc can be avoided, Surface finish improves with increased nose radius due to reduction in the saw-tooth effect of feed ridges.
The effect of the nose shape of a single point tool on the surface roughness of the turned surface is investigated. A new model assuming that the tool nose of an elliptical form is employed in order to evaluate surface roughness parameter. An experimental work employing the new tool profile has been carried out. A comparative study between the experimental and theoretical results has been done using the new tool and the other tools having sharp and circular edges. Both theoretical and experimental results showed that the new tool edge gave a better surface finish center line average height, than the conventional types.