This paper evaluates travel time cost adjoined by maintenance of highways. Millions of travel time bounds are indirectly lost within the application of pavement maintenance works. Travel Time Cost (TTC) includes two main parts; first, Added Running Cost (ARC) as a result of delaying and congestion during the construction of maintenance works and second, Extra Running Cost (ERC) due to the current pavement condition before maintenance with respect to the condition of pavement after construction. Pavement maintenance is usually done within the pavement life such that the performance of any pavement is greatly affected by the type, time element and quality of maintenance it receives. Pavement maintenance activities are descendingly ranked from; major maintenance such as overlaying and rehabilitation, to minor maintenance such as crack sealing, potholes filling, surface dressing, etc. Authorities of highways recognizing the importance of overlaying (thin and thick) and are looking for the right approaches to overcome the problems with which they are confronted. There is indeed, a great need for proper planning and management of maintenance works.
This paper describes a procedure for determining travel time cost ( ARC&ERC ) and the analysis of results of practical pavement overlaying project. The analysis involves an evaluation of; 1) the pavement condition-based maintenance alternative, 2) productivity rates of maintenance construction process, 3) traffic handling methods, 4) the effects of traffic congestion, and finally 5) The significance of different vehicle types with pavement overlaying works. The results indicate that travel time cost (or lost benefits) represents a huge investment on the average; 40.12% and 24.1% of thin and thick overlay cost respectively that must be involved in the scheduling process of maintenance works. Travel time cost of passenger cars represents 39.67% with respect to different truck types that represent about 60.33 %. Also, a summary of travel time sensitive variables are presented..