Theoretical and experimental studies were carried out 10 investigate the effects of duct velocity, sin density and tip-to-shroud clearance on the flow bypass and its impact on the pressure drop across a longitudinal aluminum fin array and its thermal performance. The clearance was varied parametrically, stating with the fully shrouded case and variations of the channel height giving partially shrouded configuration of different clearance ratios were also carried out. The slow bypass was found to increase with increasing sin density and insensitive to the air slow rate. That effect of fin density decreased as the clearance increased. The calculated total pressure was greatly affected by fin density. For fully-shrouded sin array, with H/S equals to 8 and 12.72, the pressure drop increased by a factor of 4.3 and 20 of that with Hf/S equals to 3.4, respectively. The total pressure drop and the average convective heat transfer coefficients corresponding to the fully and partially shrouded fin array of Hf /S=3.4 were compared. Going from fully to partially shrouded one of the largest clearance ratio (C/Hf =0.89), the total pressure drop reduced by about 50%. For clearance ratios equal to 0.36, 0.56, and 0.89, the average heal transfer coefficients were reduced by about 12, 17, and 30 percent of those for the fully shrouded configuration at ReD of about 3x103. That percentage reduction in heat transfer coefficients decreased with the increase of air flow rate.