The appearance of flexible AC Transmission System (FACTs) controllers Is completely changing the way transmission systems are controlled and operated. Most facts controllers are basically based on variable shunt and/Qr series compensation of transmission systems. One of the most famous type of FACTs Is the Static VAr Compensator to r (SVC), which is basically used liS It ture for both voltage and voltage stability problems. However, SYC may also affects the Available Transfer Capability of the system (ATC), line Overload and losses. As the power system is economical1y operated, hence it is important to study the. economical effects of SVC on power system opera lion . This paper presents a construction of II complete Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) model (or SVC insertion into power system 10 select the best location and size for that insertion . Generally CBA is based on comparison between the cost and benefit for a specific alternative. In our case, the cost components are mainly the cost of the SVC device and its cost of installation anti maintenance. While the benefit components are that due to Improving voltage stability in terms of increasing the voltage stability margin (VSM), benefits due to extending the ATC, and the benefits as a result of n:iievillg line overloads in the system in terms of reducing the line overload (LO) and finally reducing the system losses. However for the same hardware the coast is the same. So, the. most economical alternative is the one with the maximum total benefit. This paper also, introduces a new Unified Index (UI) (or ranking contingencies Tile proposed C DA algorithm is tested for SVC in5ertion into the I EEE 26-bus system subject to contingencies.