The whole world has recently tended to focus on the rural development together with the urban development. The rural development is considered as a vision that reflects the political, economic and social status through the continuous process of development. Several and various policies and ideas for the rural community development have appeared. Each period has been characterized by the following:
• The sixties-the beginning of the modernization process.
• The seventies-government involvement phase.
• The eighties- market liberalization phase.
• The nlneties- participation and empowerment phase.
. The twenty first century: the approach to sustainability phase. However, the focus now is on the comprehensive rural development, especially the sustainable together with its various dimensions and objectives whether they were economic, social or environmental. This is added to the in fluencies resulting from the urban development of the rural areas. Among these policies and trends that focused on achieving sustainability of the rural development are: 1) Rural Environmental planning,(R.E.P), and Rapid Rural Appraisal, (R.R.A).v The urban planning agency in Egypt has shouldered the responsibility of implementing the rural development processes in villages through the general strategic plan of the Egyptian villages, through analyzing its approaches and objectives, there have been found aspects of strength and weakness on implementation and that there is a gap between the objectives of the sustainable rural development and the real status of the current plans.