It is always essential for all public spaces to incorporate various factors that help any public space play its vital role in the City, including quality, quantity, accessibility, and connectivity of such spaces to their local communities. This Paper Investigates the vital role of Public Spaces as Socio-cultural Hubs needed for society's well-being, especially in metropolitan cities. With an essential question of developing such spaces as multi-purpose and critical challenges, such spaces are supposed to adapt to their cultural & environmental contexts, thus leading to better socio-cultural interaction. Fulfilling The critical use of public space where people can enjoy their social life and co-existence, representing their interests so that nothing is disaggregating or drowning for their diversity. The Paper also sheds light on public spaces' failure to get proper attention despite their importance. A literature overview is done for public spaces, with a focus on the UN habitat in collaboration with other partner institutions toolkit of Global public space as a user-friendly guide, and how to improve the quality and distribution of public spaces and how to make them available and accessible for the public in addition to the practice guidelines. This Paper highlights the need for Public Spaces in Cairo, Urban Challenges in this concern, and how proper actions and measures should be taken. Policies can be made accordingly for the public space developmental plans in Cairo. Considering the urgent need for Public spaces That widely reflect such Rich and diversified culture and Local Identity, the Paper ends with some suggested guidelines based on the Theoretical review and Analytical studies, in addition to some Recommendations.