The main objective of this research is concerned about the static analysis of oil platforms in deep water using dynamic load stations. The dynamic analysis for large structures in time domain is very complicated and time-consuming, especially with many various dynamic loads. To reduce the labor, the static analysis using the dynamic load station technique is carried out instead time domain dynamic analysis. The main loads for this type of structures including self-weight and super-imposed loads are water wave pressure, water current, wind loads and uplift forces. A FORTRAN program constructed by the author is used to generate the water waves and their properties. This program uses Stokes wave theories and Morison equations. The static analysis is carried out using two methods for comparison. These methods are a finite element method using ANSYS program and other method as a computer program proposed by [1] using the minimization of total potential energy. Finally, the major conclusion verified that, the dynamic load station technique for static analysis is suitable technique to deduce the critical sway and critical internal forces of oil platforms. Also, the other summary and discussion of results are presented.