The main objective of pavement maintenance preservation is to extend pavement life and improve its performance system in an efficient and cost-effective way. The evaluation process of maintenance effectiveness includes selecting a suitable effectiveness measure, determining its significant value and expressing such measured values as a function of the performance of pavement maintenance alternatives.
This paper describes three measures in which response variables for maintenance effectiveness models can be formulated to provide and assess the effectiveness of pavement maintenance and successive maintenance alternatives. These effectiveness measurements are; deterioration reduction level, performance jump, and deterioration rate reduction. The paper presents computational methods and terms identified from past studies and have an effect on the considered measures.
The paper concluded a mathematical formula for computing each measure. It also presented correlations between each pair of the three said measures. In addition, the paper indicates the significance of the type of each maintenance alternative, its performance prediction model and the successive maintenance type on any measure computation.
Finally, the application of the three measures was applied on different maintenance alternatives as a case study to define the application and implications of the measures on the computation of maintenance effectiveness and successive maintenance alternatives. The results indicate that any of the above measures can be used for maintenance effectiveness evaluation, and the best successive maintenance alternatives are found to be directed toward major maintenance with higher performance than other minor maintenance as defined hereinafter.