A total number of 35 Male albino rats were obtained from El Osman Farm, Cairo, Egypt. Animals were housed in stainless steel cages and provided with food and water ad libitum. All animals were healthy and clinically free of diseases.
Rats were randomly divided into 5 equal groups, each group contained 7 rats and fed on one of the following diets: Group 1: Control diet, Group 2: Control diet + 1000ppm Aluminum, Group 3: Control diet+ 1000ppm+Garlic 5%, Group 4: Control diet+ 1000ppm + Nigella sativa 5%, Group 5: Control diet+ 1000ppm + Garlic 2.5 %+ Nigella sativa 2.5%. Blood samples were collected of each group after 30 and 60days from the beginning of the experiment. Blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 min. and serum was separated and kept in frozen until subsequent analyses. And at the end of the experiment blood samples were collected too in EDTA tubes for Determination the hematological parameters. Finally, at the end of the experiment, rats were sacrificed to obtain the livers, and kidneys for examination it. The results indicated that Aluminum has adverse effects on animal and human health. The present study demonstrated that medicinal plants (garlic and nigella) in combination with aluminum minimized its hazards. Consequently, the exposure to aluminum should be reduced and attention paid to sources of aluminum in foods, water and personal care products. Furthermore, using diets rich in medicinal plants (garlic and nigella) could be beneficial in alleviating aluminum toxicity.