El-Khadrawia drain has number of anthropogenic activities including fishing, irrigation and discharge of Qusena industrial zone and industrial Mubark city that pose a risk of heavy metals in the drain and reduce economic environment. Field and l
aboratory analyses were carried out to assess contamination level and potential environmental risk on sediment along El-Khadrawia drain. Steel grab sampler was used to collect six sediment samples in triplicate sediment layers with 0-20 cm for quality control and quality assurance of sampling technique. Procedures of sediment chemistry characterization including extraction (Suspension extraction (decantation method) & microwave digestion technique)and geochemical analysis for eco-toxicologyusing Sediment Quality Guideline (SQGs), Sediment Contamination Index (SCI) and Potential Ecological Risk Index (PERI) were carried out for trace elements Aluminum: (Al), Nickel (Ni), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Cobalt (Co), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), Cupper (Cu) and Lead (Pb) in sediment samples along El-Khadrawia drain and El-Rayah El-Menoufy (self-investment development) to assess and predict risk for the environment and public. The research showed all metal concentrations in sediment samples, except Cr in all samples were greater than the permission limits of (SQGs) and had effect low range for adverse biology for organisms. Sediment Contamination Index (SCI) and Potential ecological Risk Index (PERI) reported all sites samples were dangers and had high rank of toxicology. The other metals concentration had variables incidence of adverse biological effect (6-70%).