Junket was prepared from fresh retentate buffalo's milk (FRBM)
as follows: Treatment (1): FRBM+15% sucrose + vanilla
(control).Treatment (2): FRBM+15%, sucrose+ vanilla +5%husk tomato
seeds powder (HTSP).Treatment (3): FRBM+15% sucrose+ vanilla
+10%HTSP.Treatment (4): FRBM+15%sucrose+ vanilla +15% HTSP.
The Literature mentioned that husk tomato seeds Powder was rich in the
chemical composition and antioxidant activity (55.09%), besides some
minerals e.g.. cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese. A
direct relationship was observed between the percent of (HTSP) added
and the concentrations of the estimated minerals, this means that as the
ratio of (HTSP) increased the concentrations of the former elements
increased. Sensory evaluation revealed that all junkets were, generally,
acceptable and had approximately similar properties in its texture and
appearance. Junket desserts made from (FRBM) and fortified with husk
at a rate of 5 or 10% were found the superior rand had total scores
similar to control, while the treatment with 15% (HTSP) had the lowest
scores and was slightly inferior than the former ones. It is advised to use
HTSP in the production of junket and other dairy products to increase
both its nutrional value and antioxidant activity.