A field experiment was conducted at Baloza Experimental Station of the Desert Research Center (DRC) in North Sinai - Egypt. The GIS indices of this location are N3101-43.0296- E 32035-28.0431) in two successive summer seasons of 2015 and 2016. The most prominent objectives of the current work can be portrayed in recycling olive oil extraction waste, verifying the role played by bio-fertilizers in utilizing the manufactured compost, diminishing the pollution brought about by mineral fertilizers, testing the nutritional function of Biomagic to peanut plants, and figuring out the best combination treatment among all these production tools that give the highest possible peanut seed content at the best possible quality under the conditions of North Sinai of Egypt. The applied treatments involved applying olive compost vs. no application, spraying Biomagic nutrient solution vs. no spraying, inoculating the seeds with Rhizobium (the control treatment) vs. inoculating the seeds with Azotobacter and phosphorous dissolving bacteria both applied separately or together in a mixed inoculation. These treatments were arranged in a factorial experiment in three randomized complete blocks. Mean values were verified from each other using Dunkan least significant range (LSR) and denoted by alphabetical letters. In that, any two mean values sharing an alphabet letter are not significantly different. The superior combination treatment is to be composed of applying compost x canopy spraying x biofertilizers, shows that the best combination treatment was composed from applying compost + spraying plants' canopy with Biomagic x inoculating the seeds with a mixture of Azotobacter and PDB in both years of study. This treatment could significantly proliferate better growth conditions in the rhizosphere that nourished the most vigorous microbiological growth. It could lead to better peanut plants vegetative growth. It could also lead to the best significant peanut seed content with best quality. Detailed effects of all applied factors can be found in the research.