A field experiment was conducted using modern irrigation system
such as trickle irrigation system for irrigation a new variety of drought
resistant rice (Oraby3) under Balouza (latitude 31o 3\ N and Longitude
32o 36\ E), condition in North Sinai through two seasons,(i.e,2017 and
2018). This study includes three irrigation water requirements which
represent three deficits, (i.e., ETC 20%, 40% and 50%) as a depletion of
free available water as a major treatment. Three distances between drip < br />lines, (i.e., 20, 30 and 40cm) were designed as sub-main treatment. Three
replicates were taken in split plot design as a statistical program (statistic
software version 9 (Analytical Software, 2008)). The objective of this
work is trying to implement some of water deficits in computing water
consumptive use of drought resistant rice (Oraby 3, Oryza sativa L and
maximizing water use efficiency to save more water quantities under
climate change circumstances in the experimental area of Balouza.
Results revealed that actual evapotranspiration could be reduced 3.75 %
when applying 20% of irrigation water deficit comparing with 50%. Also
yield increased 31.62%, 35.55% and 33.63% for grain, straw and
biological yield, respectively. The Same trend was noticed with the space
between the dripper lines, water consumption increase by increasing the
spaces between laterals by 4.73% for 40 cm compared with 20 cm. The
results indicated that, the highest seasonal ETa value was recorded at
D3C3, (i.e., 795.21mm), treatment while the lowest ETa was recorded
with D1C1, (i.e., 751.67mm) treatment. The results indicated an increase
in WUE with a decrease in both the depletion rate and the distance
between the emitter lines. The highest coefficients in terms of WUE was
the D1C1, (i.e., 0.906) treatment, the WUE values achieved by
D1C1reached to 1kg grains/1m3consumed water which is triple that of
traditional rice which 300 gm/1m3. From the results obtained, it is might
spread the cultivation of drought rice in the desert lands. About 59% of
the consumed water can be saved in relation to the traditional rice
varieties. The saved water can be used to cultivate drought rice for the
sake of an increase in production which estimated with 3715 kg/fed.
Accordingly, the area cultivated with rice and production can be doubled
.So the food gap resulting from the increase in population can be closed.
The highest investment ratio of 1.84,1.92 and 3.77for each of cereal,
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (9) 2020 93-104
straw and biological crops respectively recorded withD1C3 .
Therefor, it
is recommended to plant drought rice with treatment D1C3 under Balouza