Two experiments were carried out. Twelve Maghrebi camels at <6 to
10 years of age were used in the present study. Semen samples were
collected using an artificial vagina (AV) and divided into their qualities to
three groups (Poor ≥20-40% motile spermatozoa, Normal, ≥40-60% motile
spermatozoa and Good, ≥60-80% motile spermatozoa). Copulation time,
semen characteristics, sperm DNA fragmentation Index, sperm mensuration
and blood constituents of the male dromedary camels were recorded
(Experiment 1). Different semen qualities were diluted with Lactose-Yolk-
Citrate (LYC) extender and stored at 5°C for 3 days (Experiment 2).
Conception rates (%) of she-camels artificially inseminated with different
semen qualities were assessed.
The obtained results showed that, copulation time (min) and semenejaculate
volume (ml) were significantly (P<0.05) better in camels
containing Normal and Good quality than Poor quality of semen. Semen
colour was Thin creamy, Creamy and Creamy whereas semen consistency
was Semi-viscous, Viscous and Viscous for Poor, Normal and Good quality
of the dromedary camel semen, respectively. Furthermore, seminal pH value
and sperm mensuration (μm) of the dromedary camels were insignificantly
differences in different semen qualities. The percentage of sperm motility
and sperm-cell concentration (x106/ml) were significantly (P<0.05)
increased, while the percentages of dead spermatozoa, abnormal
spermatozoa, acrosome damage, sperm chromatin damage and sperm DNA
fragmentation Index were significantly (P<0.05) decreased of the camels
with Normal and Good quality than Poor quality of the dromedary camel
semen. Moreover, total protein, albumin and globulin (gm/100ml)
concentrations showed insignificantly higher, while total cholesterol
concentration (mg/100ml) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in the camels
containing Normal and Good quality than Poor quality of semen. On the
other hand, Sodium concentration (mg/100ml) and activity of aspartateaminotransaminase
(AST) and alanine-aminotransaminase (ALT) enzymes
increased significantly (P<0.05) in the camels having Poor quality compared
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (5) 2020 28-51
to those with Normal and Good quality of semen. Similarly, Potassium
(mg/100ml), Calcium (mg/100), Total phosphorus (mg/100ml), Zinc
(μg/100ml) and testosterone concentrations (ng/100ml) were significantly
(P<0.05) higher in the camels having Normal and Good quality than Poor
quality of semen (Experiment 1). The percentages of sperm motility and
sperm storagability of the diluted spermatozoa with LYC extender were
significantly (P<0.05) higher in the camels with Normal and Good quality of
semen, while the percentages of dead spermatozoa, abnormal spermatozoa,
acrosome damage and sperm chromatin damage and activity of AST and
ALT enzymes were significantly (P<0.05) lower in the camels having
Normal and Good quality than Poor quality of the camel semen stored at
5°C (Experiment 2). The advancement of storage times was decreased
significantly (P<0.05) semen quality in different qualities of semen with the
successive storage times at 5°C for 3 days. Conception rates (%) of shecamels
artificially inseminated with different qualities were significantly
(P<0.05) lower with Poor quality than Normal and Good quality of semen.
In conclusion, copulation time, semen characteristics, sperm mensuration,
sperm DNA fragmentation Index, blood constituents, sperm survivability
and fertility rates showed better for Normal and Good quality than Poor
quality semen.