This study aimed to study effects of using Guar plant as silage
(GS) or hay (GH) in feeding Egyptian Zaraibi does during the late
pregnancy and suckling periods on growth parameters, and some rumen
and blood parameters. The roughage was 40% corn silage (CS), 30%
GS+30% CS, and 30% GH+30% CS in ration of G1, G2, and G3,
respectively. Results indicated that daily DM intake as BW% and
g/kgw0.75 was higher during suckling period than at late pregnancy in all
groups. The ruminal NH3-N and TVFA's concentrations were affected
(P<0.05) by feeding and reproductive stage. Only RBCs and MCHC was
the highest (P<0.05) in G3 and the lowest (P<0.05) in G2, being lower at
late pregnancy than at suckling. Globulin was highest and creatinine and
ALP were lowest in G3 (P<0.05). Total proteins, globulin, calcium,
phosphorus, manganese were higher (P<0.05) during suckling than at late
pregnancy. Birth and weaning weights, daily gain, and crop of born kids
were the highest (P<0.05) in G3. The mortality rate was 30, 23.8, and
9.1% in G1, G2, and G3, respectively. Values of economic feed
efficiency was 1.85, 2.35, and 2.55 in G1, G2, and G3, respectively. It
could be concluded that using Guar silage or Guar hay as partial
replacement of concentrate feed mixture in Zaraibi does rations during
late pregnancy and suckling period had a positive impacts on born kids
performance and production of viable kids at weaning. This strategy has
a good economic return on the herd of Zaraibi goats.