The study aimed to investigate the effect of Class-wide peer tutoring cooperative learning on backstroke learning swimming performance of novice pre-service students at department of physical education and kinesiology department at Qassim University. The study sample were 60 novice students at the first year and second semester (age= 18.4 SD=1.9) were randomly assigned in two groups (experimental and control) each group had 30 students. Experimental group exposed to Class wide peer tutoring cooperative learning and control group exposed to traditional teaching method. The intervention program lasted for 6 weeks. Students evaluated in 25-meter backstroke swimming performance with pull boy between their thighs. The results showed there is significant differences between the two groups in backstroke swimming performance. The results also indicated that the experimental group had more positive attitude to work together in small group and had positive interaction between. The study recommended to use Class wide peer tutoring cooperative learning to teach backstroke swimming performance to pre-service novice students at the faculties and departments of physical education because the students at the peer tutoring group enjoyed the active learning engagement in swimming lectures than traditional methods, and had more positive attitude to work together.
Effect, Class wide, Peer tutoring, Learning, Backstroke swimming skills, Attitude, Work, small groups
Faculty of physical education- Helwan University
Associate Professor at the physical education department,
Qassim University. Currently loaned.
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International Journal of Sports Science and Arts
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Effect of Class wide peer tutoring on learning Backstroke swimming skills and attitude to work in small groups