ArticleElectromyographic Comparison of Squash Backhand Shot After Midcourt and Frontcourt Traditional Movement Patterns
ArticleElectromyographic Comparison of Squash Backhand Shot After Midcourt and Frontcourt Traditional Movement Patterns
ArticleEffectiveness of Temporal Structure for Forehand and Backhand Straight Strokes Performance According to Rebound Time in Squash
ArticleEffectiveness of Temporal Structure for Forehand and Backhand Straight Strokes Performance According to Rebound Time in Squash
ArticleBiomechanical Statistical Model for the Accuracy of the Forehand Smash Stroke in Higher Levels of Table Tennis
ArticleBiomechanical Statistical Model for the Accuracy of the Forehand Smash Stroke in Higher Levels of Table Tennis
ArticleKinetic and Electromyography Characteristics Affecting the Performance of the Backhand with One Hand as a basis for design qualitative exercises in Tennis
ArticleKinetic and Electromyography Characteristics Affecting the Performance of the Backhand with One Hand as a basis for design qualitative exercises in Tennis
Articleمقارنة النشاط الکهربي للعضلات وبعض المتغيرات البيوميکانيکية لأداء الرکلة النصف دائرية بين لاعبي الکاراتيه والتايکوندوا
Articleمقارنة النشاط الکهربي للعضلات وبعض المتغيرات البيوميکانيکية لأداء الرکلة النصف دائرية بين لاعبي الکاراتيه والتايکوندوا
ArticleEffect of Circular Strength Training on Some Special Physical Variables and Skill Level Performance of Squash Players
ArticleEffect of Circular Strength Training on Some Special Physical Variables and Skill Level Performance of Squash Players
ArticleKinematic Analysis of the Whole Body Center of Gravity Trajectory and Time Structure of the Tennis Serve Performance
ArticleKinematic Analysis of the Whole Body Center of Gravity Trajectory and Time Structure of the Tennis Serve Performance
ArticleThe Effect of Developing Endurance Over Some Biochemical Changes and the Perfection of Forehand Killing Shot with Regard to the Squash Junior
ArticleThe Effect of Developing Endurance Over Some Biochemical Changes and the Perfection of Forehand Killing Shot with Regard to the Squash Junior
Articleمقارنة بيوميکانيکية بين الذراع الضاربة لمهارة الإرسال بوجه المضرب الأمامي والإرسال بوجه المضرب الخلفي في لاسکواش
Articleمقارنة بيوميکانيکية بين الذراع الضاربة لمهارة الإرسال بوجه المضرب الأمامي والإرسال بوجه المضرب الخلفي في لاسکواش