Abstract: User's behavior is an essential determinant affects community and environment during usage time of service or product..Interior designer can reformulate behavior towards more sustainable practices to end with this sustainable behavior.This research clarifies behavior enhancement concept,its approaches,effects, classification and measurement till highlighting one of the most important approaches,which this research emphasis on, that is Design with intent (DWI).We mentioned some concepts embodied in attitudes,persuasion, behavior and relationships among them,besides designer's intent,goals and effects on user. Identifying design tools with intent through empowerment,motivation and determinant behavior.All these tools are gathered in 8 different lenses around behavior change,understanding and presuming impact on users.These lenses are:architectural,error proofing,interaction,ludic,mechavillian, perceptual,cognitive,and security lenses by international perspectives.
Research problem:Overlooking how to change behavior through interior design and designer effect on targeted user's behavior related to sustainability and other issues,users'self-understanding and way of thinking in certain attitudes as instructions.
Objectives:introduce an overview about DWI for human behavior enhancement.and to set a systematic method to discover hypotheses and design resulted effects seeking to affect behavior.
Hypotheses:To effect on users' behavior as an integral part of interior design,ability to set hypotheses on individual usage method,decision making,and designer participates generally in creating that change.and Ability to use a package of tools and mechanisms to apply DWI of internal spaces for behavior enhancement.
Research methodology:This research follows analytical descriptive methodology for design with intent tools, method, and application ways to effect on user's behavior in internal spaces.
Research results show first step for design improvement to effect and change user's behavior.