Images, text, signs and symbols have an important impact on how we understand our surroundings. Conceptual art focuses on the idea as the most important component in the artwork, components such as images and text are used to emphasis the meaning by creating a connection between them by using different techniques such as collage. Collage started with the Cubist movement as a means of creating artwork from different sources that have visual and tactile representations connecting image and text with meaning. The research aims to focus on collage technique as a medium to connect Image, text and meaning based on Conceptual art principles and findings. The objectives of this research is to Study different aspects of Collage techniques and how to use them effectively in Graphic design, particularly in designing posters and to create a connection between image and text that conveys the concept and emphasizes meaning. The research will follow the descriptive, analytical methodology. As a result of the research has two points: 1-Cubism and Conceptual Art can contribute and help convey the meaning in posters by using images with corresponding text and words. 2-when Collage technique is used to design creative posters, different images, letters, text and sentences can be used to emphasize meaning and concept.