The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the flipped classroom approach (henceforth FCA) on developing Shaqra University students' EFL Argumentative Writing and reducing their Apprehension. The researcher used qualitative and quantitative modes of investigation. One group pre-posttest design was used. The participants of the study included a group of seventh level students (no =50) enrolled in college of Human Sciences, department of English, Shaqra University, KSA. The study group was pretested to measure their level in argumentative writing. The same test was administered again (as a posttest) at the end of intervention to determine whether there are any significant differences between the pre- post testing. Two other instruments were also used including a writing apprehension scale and an unstructured interview. Data were collected and analyzed statistically. The FCA had a positive effect on enhancing the argumentative writing skills of the study participants. An analysis of the writing apprehension scale and the unstructured interview showed relatively decrease in student's apprehension towards writing.
flipped classroom, writing apprehension, argumentative writing
First Name
Hanan Ahmed Sanad
Detail API
Publication Title
CDELT Occasional Papers in the Development of English Education
Publication Link
Flipping the Classroom to Develop Shaqra University Students’ EFL Argumentative Writing and Reduce their Apprehension.