Introduction: Renal stone disease is one of the major health problems among urological patients, mainly the third most common urological disorder. Lifestyle modification and Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is the first line of intervention for of upper urinary tract stones smaller than 2cm and ureter stones from 1 to 1.5 cm diameter.
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of implementing evidence- based guidelines on lifestyle modification for adult patients with renal stone undergoing ESWL procedure. Methods: Random sample of Seventy patients in the age group ranging from 21-60 years old, recruited from the Urology department at the Alexandria main University Hospital, and Elnokba center for Urology in Damanhur City. Tools used for all patients underwent full history and physical examination including age, gender, family history of renal stones, past history of recurrent stone and any current medical diseases. In addition to assessing patients' knowledge regarding renal stone disease and ESWL procedure and lifestyle pattern regarding renal stones and prevention of its recurrence. Pre -Post test for patients' knowledge conducted before and after ESWL procedure with follow up for lifestyle modification within 1- and 3-months following implementation of lifestyle modifications guidelines sessions.
Results: Results showed that both groups had poor knowledge level and lifestyle pattern, while after implementation all studied patients had fair knowledge and lifestyle pattern level. Results showed highly positive correlation between knowledge, and lifestyle pattern among the study group with P 0.001. Evidence based lifestyle guidelines enhance renal stone patient's knowledge, lifestyle pattern of study group. The nurses should be trained to conduct evidence based educational lifestyle guidelines.
Conclusion: Renal stone patients attending the lifestyle modification guidelines sessions demonstrated a positive significant improvement in their knowledge, as well as modifications in their lifestyle practices, all dimensions of health behaviors than those patients not attending the sessions. Therefore, a lifestyle modification guideline is considered as an effective nonpharmacological intervention in renal stone treatment and recurrence prevention. So, this study may provide a practice framework for the future development of other nursing evidence-based practice.