The aim of the present study was to identify the most attractive lip prominence in the orthognathic facial profile based on the perception of Saudi Arabian laypersons living in the western region of the country. Lateral photographs of 10 Saudi adult subjects with well proportioned faces were presented to a panel of orthodontists and general dentists to choose the most attractive profiles. Lateral facial photographs were taken using a standardized method for all subjects. The photographs were edited and converted into negatives. One female and one male subject were selected as the supernormal sample. Three different profiles were generated for each of the supernormal subjects by manipulating lip prominence and then presented randomly to laypersons to rank the three profiles in order of attractiveness and to fill out a simple questionnaire. These profiles were: protrusive, average, and retrusive. The percentages of the most attractive lip prominence were calculated, ranked and compared using the chi square test. In the male profiles, the most attractive lip prominence was the average (39.2%), followed by the retrusive (34.5%) and then the protrusive (26.3%) with significant differences between the three lip prominences. In the female profiles, the most attractive profile was the average (46.3%) followed by the protrusive (37.5%) and then the retrusive (16.2%) with significant differences between the three profiles. In conclusion, Saudis seem to prefer average lips in the orthognathic faces in both males and females.