Considerations involving orthodontic treatment and facial esthetics have directed the investigation of the optimal treatment, especially in the correction of Class II, division 1 malocclusions, both esthetically and functionally.
The aim of this study is to determine whether the use of a Twin force bite corrector in combination with Edgewise mechanics yields a more esthetic facial profile than Edgewise treatment alone.
Methods: The present retrospective study compared matched two groups of adolescent patients, (total n=20) The first, treated with functional orthopedic therapy using a TFBC in combination with preangulated Edgewise appliances, (n=10). The second, matched group (n=10) was treated using standard Edgewise mechanics alone. A panel of ten orthodontic graduate evaluators investigated silhouettes of lateral photographs of perceived post treatment facial esthetics of Egyptian adolescents with Class II, division 1 malocclusions treated by one of the two methods. They scored each silhouette's attractiveness on a 100% visual analogue scale (modified VAS). Independent samples t test at 0.05 level of significance was used to compare the VAS scores. Results: the evaluators showed wide range of agreement among the two treated groups in selecting the most attractive profiles. The evaluation of pre/post treatment for each group and randomized post treatment of both goups for facial attractiveness showed insignificant difference statisticaly. Conclusion: TFBC treatment in combination with Edgewise mechanics has measurable benefits.