Thermosyphon solar tower can be used to increase the vehcit.y of
air and consequently the specific power in locations with
reasonable value of sdar radiation intensity when there ip a no
enough area beside the tower to construct a solar collector. In
this case the tower itself works as a collector. In this work the
possibility of generating power by using a very high tower,
haviing reciafiyula~ CLUSS section, open to the atmosphere at the
top and bottolri and heated by the uur;, was studied theoretically.
In this study, the eEect uf tower height, IJJW~L leugth, tower
dep~h, suldr radiatiori intensity ard inlec. ~AL I~~tlgerature orr tile
performance ui lie tower wab LLL vtisi;;cpL;;LZ.
It was found that, the temperaf:.ure inside the tower increases by
the irlcreaue in sular. radiaLir)n ia.r.Lein&.y, id& uir ierr~perature and
tower height and decreases by the rise in tower length as well
as in tower depth. The iibt ate vdociLy tcl tLa towex and
consequently specific power was found to be x..aised by the
growth in. tower height and scllar radiiitien intensity, and it is
found to be decreased by the enlargement in tower length, tower
depth and temperature of air at the inlet of the kower. The inlet
air velocity and the specific power for tower height of 500 in
were found LO La 5.2 &rid 141 times d their values ~OK 56 111
towef- height respectively. For solar radiation intensity of 1000
W/ni , the inlet air we1uc:ity anti the specific puueL a~ti cyected
to Le 1.32 and 2.28 times of tiieir vdlues fur 200 W/m solar
radiation intensity respectively.