Self-compactiag concrete (SCC) is used to facilitate constmctability and ensure proper
filling and good structural yerforrmce of highly cot~gested and coniplex design structural
sectiot~s. It is also used to itriprove productivity of concrete placet:~ent and provide better
workiug erlviro~llnent by elinhating the vibration noise. Tlle use of fibers in SCC provides a
way of iacreasit~g productivity as it cott~bines the positive effects of elimillatilig vibration work.
Tlle purpose of this study is to investigate the self-cornpactability of fiesli concretes
with differeht types of fibers (steel, glass and polypropylene fiber n~esli) and different
volumetric ratio of fibers (0.0, 0.5 ad l %). hl this pay er, the self-comp actability of fresh
co~lcretes with tliese types and Were~~t a~i~ou~~ts of fibers were investigated by lneatis of the
sluuip flow test, tlie V-type fimnel test and L-box method. No compaction was used for the
SCC mixes, while the refcrelm mix was conymted using tlle vibratirig table. Also, in this
study, tile mechanical y rop ertics of hardened self-con~pactiug concrete (SCC) were investigated
iu tems of standard compressive and splitting tensile strength
Results from these tests show that there may be a slight reduction in workability due to
the addition of fibers. However despite the s~ilall reduction iu workability it is geuerally not
more dificdt to produce a good SCC with fibers than without. Tlie results indicate that it is
possible to achieve a good SCC also with a rather large amoumt of fibers.