In addition to its positive impact on the growth and prosperity of the national economy and its
importance for satisfying our individual needs for mobility, road transport also has adverse effects:
accidents, noise, air pollution, harm to health, crop damage, jams, etc. The outside factors
that have adverse &act on the pavement are environmeht, trafiic and pavement maintenance
techniques. Pavement maintenance is carried out to reduce the rate of pavement deterioration and
subsequently the negative impact of traffic environmental pollution.
An effective pavement maintenance program will address pavements, while they are still in good
condition and before the onset of serious damage. By applying a cost-effective treatment at the
right time, the pavement is restored almost to its original condifion. The cumulative effect of
systematic, successive maintenance treatments is to postpone costly rehabilitation and
reconstruction. Deferring of pavement maintenance leads to more deterioration of pavement,
reduction of operating speed and then more pollution to air. The impact on health, welfare and the
natural environment are considerable sensitive and having an intangible costs caused by 'them;
These costs are mainly external not covered by the polluters (the motorists) but imposed on
everybody. External costs cause. a problem to the economy, as they are not included in the market
price, which leads to wrong decisions and to a wasting of scarce 8nd vital resources (cleh air,
silence, clean water, etc.). Motorists behave as if those costs do not exist, since they do not have to
pay for them.
The objective of this paper is to quantify the influence of pavement condition status on the
environment issue represented by Carbon Monoxide (CO) emission values. To achieve this, the
paperconsists of four main parts. The first part includes an overview of pavement condition
evaluation and the intended performance prediction models. In the second part, a description of the
relation between pavement condition and traffic speed will be discussed with the required
correlating models..The.third part includes quantification of air pollution results from traffic speed
reduction within anticipated models. Finally, the offect of pavement condition on traffic
environment pollution was identified witbin an analysis to practical data of different road sections.
The results. indicate th~t pe enviyovt willbe affected by 0.276,0.176, 0.314,0.333, 0.279 and
0.513 ton of CO daily and accumulated iife cycle emissions values; 744.57, 466.58, 799.66,
688.88, 841.17 and 97?.14 ton for .the studied sections respectively depending on variables of
pavement cogditiqn and traffic volume. The pavement condition has a major impact on the
environment than the ,traffic volume as defmed hereinafter. There is a direct proportional of
payem@ condition with traffic speed and subsequently an inverse relation with the environment
emission values, which will affect to the economy and welfare of people.