ArticleA Short Scenario for Restoration of Reasonable Limb Function in Adults after Upper Brachial Plexus Injuries Using Neurotization and Combined Muscle Transfers
ArticleA Short Scenario for Restoration of Reasonable Limb Function in Adults after Upper Brachial Plexus Injuries Using Neurotization and Combined Muscle Transfers
ArticleEvaluation of Results after Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Tendon Transfer to Provide Fingers and Thumb Extension in Radial Nerve Lesions
ArticleEvaluation of Results after Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Tendon Transfer to Provide Fingers and Thumb Extension in Radial Nerve Lesions
ArticleRehabilitation Program After Surgical Transfer of The Ulnar Nerve to Make Anatomically Adjustment of Its route to Restore The Functional Efficiency of The Injured Hand
ArticleRehabilitation Program After Surgical Transfer of The Ulnar Nerve to Make Anatomically Adjustment of Its route to Restore The Functional Efficiency of The Injured Hand
ArticleAssessment of the Gliding of Extensor Tendons in Post-Traumatic Hand Defects Reconstructed Using Muscle Flaps Versus Fascio-Cutaneous Flaps
ArticleAssessment of the Gliding of Extensor Tendons in Post-Traumatic Hand Defects Reconstructed Using Muscle Flaps Versus Fascio-Cutaneous Flaps