يِِِِِِِتناول هِذا اِلبحثظِاهرة اِلطلاق، حِيثيِعد اِلطلاق مِن اِلظواهر اِلاجتماعية اِلمتنوعةِ وقد عِرفته جِميع اِلمجتمعاتاِلقديمة وِالحديثة عِلى حِد سِواء مِع اِلإختلاففِي دِرجة حِدتهِ من مِجتمع لِآخر، وِمن حِقبة تِاريخية لِحقبة خِخر. مِما خِتتف ظِظرة اِلمجتمعات فِي تِعريهااِ لفمستو. خِو لِفحد اِلذي يِصبح مِعه اِلخلاف بِين اِلزوجين خِمراً لِا يِطاق، خِو فِي خِسبابِ إظحلال اِلزواج غِير اِلموفق، وِمن اِلملاحظ خِن اِلسنوات اِلأخيرة شِادت تِحولات جِذريةِ في ظِسق اِلأسرة عِامة بِجميع اِلمجتمعات، لِقد تِغيرت مِهاهيم اِلأسرة اِلحديثة، مِما حِدثتِ مجموعة مِن اِلتغيرات فِي اِلإتجاه ظِحو اِلزواج وِخظماطه، إِضافة إِلى ظِاور خِظماط جِديدة فِيِ العلاقات اِلأسرية، وِتغيرات فِي اِلأدوار اِلمرتبطة بِالذمور وِالإظاث تِرتب عِفياا حِدوثِ تغيراتفِي اِلإتجاه ظِحو اِلطلاق، وخصبح مِهاوم اِلطلاق لِا يِشکل عِائقاً خِمام اِلکثيراتفِيِ معظم اِلمجتمعات وِِِِِيدور مِوضوع اِلبحث حِول :ِ
خولاًِ اِلتغيراتوِالتحولاتاِلتي شِادها اِلمجتمع اِلمصري -
ثِاظياًِ- العوامل اِلمؤدية إِلى زِيادة مِعدلاتاِلطلاق
ثِالثاًِ اِلآثار اِلاجتماعية لِفطلاق
This study deals with the phenomenon of divorce, as the divorce is a social various phenomenon that has been known to all ancient and modern societies alike with the difference in degree of severity from one society to another, and from a historical era to another era, also the perception of societies differs in their definition of the level or the extent to which disagreement between the spouses becomes unbearable, or in the reasons for the dissolution of the unqualified marriage, It is noticeable that in recent years there have been radical changes in the family style in general in all societies, and changes in divorce patterns in particular, the concepts of the modern family have changed, and there has been a series of changes in the direction towards the marriage and its patterns, Marriage, in addition to the emergence of new patterns in family relations and changes in roles related to males and females that have led to changes in the trend towards divorce, and the concept of divorce is not an obstacle to many females in most societies.
And the topic of the research on:
First: The changes and transformations experienced by the Egyptian society.
Second: The factors leading to divorce.
Third: The social effects of divorce.