The goal of this paper is to examine the main features of spontaneous speech and colloquial language in Nanni Balestrini's novel, Sandokan, camorra story. The choice of the novel is due to the fact that this work is characterized by a style based on the imitation of the protagonist's oral narration; by the prevalence of the spoken aspects and of stylistic construction that corresponds to the oral texts. We are facing a linguistic work entrusted to "discursive flows" without any punctuation marks. In order to delimit the language used in the corpus, a wide range of models will be examined through an analytical methodology. The analysis is carried out on linguistic and stylistic aspects. Linguistically, the focus will be on lexical and morph- syntactic tendency. The lexical choices belong to the colloquial register through the presence of dialectal voices; lexemes of medium and familiar use; verbal phrases with a generic sense such as the verb “fare" (to do); foul language; and lexemes related to the world of the mafia and drugs. As for morph- syntactic tendency, distinctive aspects of speech appear such as: the use of the indicative mode; “che polivalente" (that multipurpose); the dislocation and the split sentence “la frase scissa"; and finally, the discursive signals. On a stylistic level, not only the style is considered without punctuation, but also some mechanisms to which textual cohesion is assigned through the figurative language such as “sillessi", “anaphora" and repetition, which are recurrent in speech and colloquial language.