Mycotoxicosis is one of the most important problems affecting poultry industry. T-2 toxin is an example of the 0mycotoxins which affects poultry productivity. The present research was designed to study the effect of T-2 toxin on the body weight, hemogram, serum biochemistry, histopatholgical changes and toxin residues in muscles of broilers chickens. In addition the study included the possibility of reduction of the toxic effects of this toxin by the either physical (dryness of the ration at 200°C for 1 hour) or chemical means (addition of Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminiosilicate, HSCA). One hundred and fifty Hubbard broilerchicks of one day old were randomly allotted into five groups of 30 each. The 1st group received ration mixed with sterile yeast extract sucrose broth 37.5 ml/kg ration and considerd as a control group. The 2nd group received the same amount of the previous broth + HSCAS in a dose of 2 kg/ton ration. The 3rd group received ration mixed with T-2 toxin (3 mgT-2 contained in 37.5 ml of yeast extract sucrose broth /kg ration). The 4th group received the same dose of T-2 toxin in a ration treated physically by dryness at 200 °C for 1 hour while the 5th group received the same amount of T-2 toxin in a ration treated chemically by addition of HSCAS at a dose of 2kg/ton ration for 6 weeks. At the end of every week, body weight was recorded and blood samples were collected for hematological and serum biochemical determination. Tissue specimens from liver, kidney, heart, and intestine were taken for histopathological examination weekly for 6 weeks and muscle specimens were taken at the end of the 6th week for detection of T-2 toxin residues. Results of groups 3 and 4 received T-2 toxin, revealed reduction in the body weight, significant decrease in Hb, PCV and RBCs count and significant decrease in WBCs count accompanied with heteropenia and lymphoc-ytosis from the 3rd week till the end of the experiment. Levels of blood glucose, uric acid and BUN and activity of ALT, AST and GGT were significantly increased. Values of total proteins, albumin, globulin and cholesterol were significantly decreased only in the 3rd group. Histopathological examination revealed harmful effects of T-2 on the liver, kidney, heart and intestine. Measurement of the toxin residues in muscles of toxicated chicken revealed presence of the toxin in all muscles with different amounts. Results showed that the above described changes were insignificant in other treated groups. This study showed a beneficial effects of the physical and chemical treatment of the ration in reducing the toxic effects of T-2 toxin. Chemical treatment was founded better than physical treatment.