Abstract: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a worldwide health problem. Its prevalence rate is increasing all over the world.Therapeutic regimen to be beneficial, patients must be informed about their own health and motivated to share the responsibility. So patient education is an essential part of quality of care today to avoid complications.Aim: Evaluate the effect of implementing instructional learning package for Patients with coronary artery disease on compliance of practice about therapeutic regimen and barriers affecting it.Design: A quasi experimental research design was utilized. Setting: Data were collected from Cardiovascular Department and its relevant Outpatient's Clinic of Tanta Main University Hospital. Subjects:Purposive sampling of (60) patients who are visiting the previous mentioned setting.Tools: Three tools were used to collect data: Tool (I); Bio-sociodemographic and knowledge assessment to evaluate patients' knowledge about therapeutic regimen, Tool (II); patients' self-reported practices regarding therapeutic regimen and Tool (III); Barriers affecting patients' compliance of therapeutic regimen. Results: Revealed that there were significant improvements of patients' knowledge mean scores and self reported practice regarding coronary artery disease and therapeutic regimen. The study also revealed common barriers those affect compliance of therapeutic regimen as; lack of knowledge, family support, getting older, visual impairment, lack of relevant assistive technology devices, pain, psychological stress afraid from injury.Conclusion The study findings revealed that implementation of instructional learning package was successful for improving patients' knowledge and self reported practice regarding therapeutic regimen. Recommendations: Further research is necessary to measure long-term adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with CAD after the application of the educational guidelines.