Vaginal discharge may be physiological or pathological. Pathological vaginal discharge is the most common symptom of reproductive tract infections and its incidence is high among adolescents particularly in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determinethe effect of implementation of instructional guidelines on students' self-care practices regarding vaginal discharge. Subjects and method: The study was conducted at 4 classes selected randomly from the second grade of 4 female governmental secondary schools at Tanta City. The total representative sample was 160 students. Three tools were used for collection of data. Tool (I): Structured interview schedule: It included: Part a: Bio-socio-demographic data, Part b: Menstrual historyand Part c: Present history of vaginal discharge. Tool (II): Student's knowledge assessment questionnaire: It included students' knowledge regarding vaginal discharge. Tool (III): Student's self-care practices regarding vaginal discharge: It included: a- Personal self-care, b- Self-care practices regarding genital and menstrual hygiene and c- Self-care practices regarding abnormal vaginal discharge. Results: The mean knowledge and self-care practice score of students regarding vaginal discharge was increased immediately and one month after implementation of the instructional guidelines with a statistically significant difference PConclusion and recommendations: Significant improvements of students' knowledge as well as self-care practices regarding vaginal discharge were observed immediately and one month after implementation of the instructional guidelines. Evident and continuous educational programs are to be established at schools for students, teachers and school nurses to increase their awareness regarding normal and abnormal vaginal discharge care.