Adolescence is the most important and sensitive period of one's life. Menstruation and menstrual practices are still clouded by taboos and socio-cultural restrictions resulting in adolescent girls remaining ignorant of the scientific facts and hygienic health practices, which sometimes result in adverse health outcomes. So learning about menstrual hygiene is a vital aspect of health education for adolescent girls. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of educational intervention on the practice of menstrual hygiene among rural adolescent students in El-Mehala El- Kobra villages in Gharbia governorate. A quasi- experimental study was used. The study was conducted in five villages with preparatory schools selected by purposive random sample technique . The preparatory schools in each village were included in the study. The study sample comprised one class of third grade in each preparatory school in the previous setting. The total number of girl students was 183. Two tools were developed to obtain the necessary data:- Tool (I) A questionnaire sheet, and tool (II) Assessment of facilities for menstrual hygiene at schools and homes. The age of the study sample ranged from 13-16 years, with a mean of14.55±0.55 years. More than half of them (53%) their duration of menstruation ranged from 3-5 days and more than half of them (54.1%) their family size were 5-6 members. Mothers were the most (90.1%) common preferred sources of information about menstruation and menstrual hygiene. Regarding menstrual hygiene practices (54%) weren't bathing during menstrual period , all of the girls reported that they used pads during menstruation period , more than half of them changed pads twice daily and (56.8) of them kept pads in special places. There were significant improvement in the score of knowledge and practices among study sample regarding menstrual hygiene pre, immediate and 3 months post-program ( f=.194.26*, p=0.0001* and f= 162.14*,p= 0.0001* respectively) . It can conclude from this study that the health education program was effective and have positive effects on the menstrual knowledge and practice of rural adolescent students. Mothers were the most important source of information about menstruation and menstrual hygiene of rural adolescent students. The study recommended that implementing educational program among elementary, preparatory, and secondary schools about menstrual hygiene for improving students' menstrual knowledge and to encourage safe and hygienic practices among the adolescent girls and bring them out of traditional beliefs, misconceptions and restrictions regarding menstruation. Also it is important that nurses participate in public health awareness program to create better awareness among adolescents. Such initiative would make adolescents population self sufficient to manage their health and wellbeing.